Christopher McGregor Loftus with Mom Lindsay and Pop Chris. Only a
few hours old
Grandpa with hours old Chris
Great Grandpa Mickey on Fathers Day, June 2011
Mick, himself with Chris and two week old Chris
With Grandpa at his 1st birthday party
June 2012
Having a kitchen sink bath with Grandma
Age 1
The little Halloween dragon Oct 2012
On Great Grandpa's lap at his 80th Birthday party,
Sept 2012
Dad built this rear seat contraption so the little guy
could ride along in style
Summer of 2012. Looks just like Mickey's leprechaun picture.
With Grandpa as a 2 year old. Summer 2013
New Aziel in the hospital with Mom Star.
In Daddy Matt's hand
Matthew with Zeely
Tired but proud parents with the new baby.
Oct 11, 12
Month old Zeely with Grandma Ginny
Dec 2012
Zeeley smiling contentedly with Himself
Dec 2012
6 month old Aziel with Dad and my sister, Aunt Mary
Barefoot Aziel with Grandma and Hotrod Jr. with Grandpa.
9 month old Aziel
Aziel with Daddy Matt. Outside Chris's second
Birthday party June 2013
This doll baby was made for red dresses.
June 2013
Uncle Matt messes with Chris while Star looks on.
June 2013
Getting these two in the same picture is a challenge.
Chris and Aziel with proud Grandpa.
Oct 2013
Zeeley on her 1st Birthday, 10-11-13.
Chris entertains his Great Aunt Mary at Thanksgiving dinner 2013 while
Dominic looks on.
In Oct 2013 we took the motor home to Splinter Creek for family fun day,
the traditional end of season party for the members. It is always a
lot of fun with plenty of riding, food, drink, music and in the evening a
band and bonfire.
Here is Lindsay with the little guy while Aunt Mary gets ready to head
to the track.
The little guy enjoys a ride with Daddy Chris
Hey Dad, come on and I'll give you a ride.
OK, that's more like it. (But just wait)
Aziel with Grandpa on Christmas Eve 2013
She's a 14 month old heartbreaker in a red dress!
My nephew Kalin on the left.
Niece Leah with Aziel and Leah's Dad, my brother Scott.
Ginny Mom with my sister Shelley (Kalin's' Mom)
Star with daughter Zeeley
And the newest edition, just in time for Christmas.
Tanin Loftus, a little over 6 hours old with Grandma Ginny
100 watt Grandma with new Grand daughter
Oh yeah, grandpa is there too
I'm the big brother, Chris.
Great cousin(?) Leah Loftus with Baby Tanin at Christmas Eve open house,