This is on an overlook during the drive east looking
down at Mechanicsburg.
Having been raised in flat country every time I see a
little hill it impresses me.
Before we left for Gettysburg my friend Mick (a
comedian) told me that it looked like a good place to have a battle
because there were all these monuments to hide behind.
This is near the cemetery on Cemetery Ridge where the
Union army made its stand.
They do a great job at the park giving visitors a
colorful look at the past. There are many opportunities for guided
tours around the vast battlefield.
This is at the cemetery near the Visitor's Center where
we started out.
It doesn't look it in this picture because all the
stones are imbedded in the ground but this is the large circular graveyard
around the central monument for the soldiers killed at Gettysburg.
A closer look at the central monument. The tour
guide walked us around it and explained the significance of each figure,
their dress and what they are holding. Having the story told like
that brings this sculpture to life.
From the cemetery you can look across to see the
Seminary spire (the small white form in the center of this picture).
From the Visitor's Center we left on the bike to make
the huge loop around the actual battlefield.
This picture is taken not too far from the Seminary on
the north end of Seminary Ridge where the Confederates under General Lee
took up their position opposing Cemetery Ridge.
Somewhere near here is where General Lee ordered the
ill-fated charge by General Picket...across this field and up hill into
the strongly defended center of the Union army on Cemetery Ridge.
As you continue south on Seminary Ridge you come to
where you can see the Roundtops, marking the south end of the Union line.
This is the General Lee monument near the center of the
Confederate line on Seminary Ridge.
A closer look at the old man on his mount Traveler
looking down on us and ours...The Big Dawg.
This pastoral scene near the Peach orchard was the site
of some of the bloodiest fighting of the battle.
Ginny's favorite...
General Longstreet's mount rears while the Big Dawg
patiently waits in the background.
As you loop around the south end of the battlefield the
sweeping farm fields give way to rougher terrain. Down in between
the lines, below Little Roundtop is this jumble of rock called the Devil's
Den. It looks like a great place to hide but a lot of soldiers died
The view east from Devil's Den looking up at Little
They say the range is around 800 yards...I am surprised
to learn it is well within killing range of a skilled marksman with a
rifled musket.
After a long walk up a steep path on Big Roundtop we
come to this monument commemorating Col. Joshua Chamberlain's heroic
defense of the Union's left flank with the 20th Maine.
Continuing north from Little Roundtop we come back to
the center of the Union line on Cemetery Ridge marked by this "copse of
The view is now back west across the fields to the
Confederate held Seminary Ridge.
One last shot as the camera batteries die...looking west
across the field that General Picket was ordered to cross to break the
Union line.
It was a cruel assignment, up hill, across a fence line
and into the withering fire of Union cannons loaded with grapeshot.
Lee was determined that a successful charge would win the battle, but it
was not to be.
A gentle rain is falling as we round the downtown square
on our way out of Gettysburg headed for Niagara Falls.