Composite picture made on Thanksgiving Day November 2006.
Extra ivy compliments of PhotoShop.
Dad, Mom, Lisa and Mark, Matthew, Mom Ginny, Himself, Chris,
Dominic, Mia, Mary and Tony.

Pat's Dad Mickey and Mom Sharon. (Xmas 05)
Pat's brother Scott and his wife Sandy.
Nephew Kalin cleans up nice for his senior picture. (Dec

Oct 2004
Mom Ginny with youngest son Matthew.
October 2001
Pat's Dad Mickey (the original Irish
leprechaun) and son Christopher enjoying the links at Tanglewood in Fulton,
Dad won again.
May 2002
Christopher in a rare pose and a clean shirt!
Cleans up pretty good doesn't he Mom?
Feb 2004
Son Matt enjoying some giggles on his 21st birthday.
Jenny's sis Edith and her hubby Logan on Christmas day 2003.
Pat's brother Mark with wife Lisa, Paige, Brian and Jordan (Sept 2001)
Our brother-in-law, Tony Cilano, Pat's sis Mary with
Dominic and Mia
(Christmas 2002)
Mary and Tony on their happy day. |
Leigh Anna
Fall 2004
At the 2002 DaMotte Family reunion in Wilson Park:
Himself with Uncle Joe Geisler, dad Mick and Cuz Ed Bushue.
And this is Uncle Joe Geisler's tribe, Pat's cousins David,
Drew, Darren and Dana (A fine bunch of guys!)
The Loftus Family at Wilson Park, Granite City, Il...
Sept 7th, 1996
Himself, Bro Jeff, Bro Mark, Dad Mick, Mom Sharon, Bro
Scott with sisters Michelle and Mary
Rare sighting of Pat's brother Jeff with his two sons, Mickey and Neil
Wilson Park, Damotte Family Reunion. 9-7-96
Our niece Leigh Anna knocks them out. (Fall 04)
Nephew Kalin with his mom, Michelle.
(OK, Shelley. 11-03)
And here he is again, cleaned up and looking a little
more serious with Grandpa. (11-04)
Nephew Jordan can play that Fender.
(Spring 05)
Jenny's sisters Carol and Edith enjoying a recent visit
to Florida (Nov. 07)
Fall 2002
This is Daisy the Wonder dog. Some time
we'll tell of the three week odyssey she barely survived.
Christmas at Grandma's House 2002.
This fine pair of Reindeer are niece Mia and her brother Dominic.
Pat's mother....Grandma Sharon (11-04)
Best man Larry Wolf, brother Scott and Dad (11-04)
Congratulations to Sandy and Scott.
(You won't catch brother Scott in a tie again for a long
Nov 2004
I didn't know where else to put this
Some time ago I discovered
The Mirror Project ... it is
the kind of web site that makes you think creatively.
The game is to take your picture reflected
in something. I like the M. C. Escher quality of this reflection in
our kitchen door with the patterned wallpaper background.